The Love of God

Created by Wumi Amodu 13 years ago
The Love of God is eternal. Sometimes i wonder how we would have coped without HIM. His Grace is indeed sufficient for our strength is made perfect in weakness. When we are weak then we can say we are strong. He who knows the end from the beginning knows what He is doing, Indeed He is the unquestionable God. Everything we see and hold on to is ephemeral but the Love of God is eternal. When i think of how i looked forward to carrying you and holding you in my hands, Busayo, i cry. Why did you have to go? I do not know. Wish i knew! but life goes on. It's getting very close to your first birthday Busayo. Fisayo said when life throws a lemon at us, we should try and make a lemonade out of it. You will forever be remembered. Every little thing reminds us of you. Every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day, every day of every week, every week of every month, every month of every year, you will forever remain in our minds. Continue to rest in peace. Till we meet to part no more. Love Kunle, Wumi and Fisayo.